Tag: developing countries

About Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow of the IIED’s Climate Change Group

At COP15, Saleemul Huq was the Senior Fellow of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)’s Climate Change Group. Besides the interviews Mr. Huq conducted with us, Mr. Huq also video-blogged daily from Copenhagen, and you can view each day’s update on this YouTube channel.

The following biographical information is taken from the IIED’s webpage.


Links between climate change and sustainable development, and particularly the perspective of developing countries.
Africa and South Asia, especially the least developed countries in those two regions.

Current work:

Building negotiating capacity and supporting the engagement of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in UNFCCC ahead of COP15 including negotiator training workshops for LDCs, policy briefings and support for the Adaptation Fund Board. Research into vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the least developed countries.

Lead author of the chapter on Adaptation and Sustainable Development in the third assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Lead Author of the chapter on Adaptation and Mitigation in the IPCC’s fourth assessment report.

Before IIED:

Executive Director of Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies.

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Claire Spoors on Common but Differentiated Responsibilities

global witness CBDR

Claire Spoors of Global Witness talks about the concept of “common but differentiated responsibilities” in the context of REDD and climate change in general. She points out that developed countries create the demand and consume many of the products that come from logging, which have cause such widespread deforestation in developing countries. It is because of this that developed countries should help developing countries to cope with this problem and assist in establishing good REDD programs.

Want to learn more about this interviewee? About Claire Spoors

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Claire Spoors was an activist at COP-15 with the group Global Witness. Her interviews are primarily concerned with proper implementation of REDD programs through improvement of both accountability and governance. She is from the United Kingdom, a nation in Europe.

Denis J. Sonwa on Developing Countries

Denis J. Sonwa – Developing Countries
Mr. Denis J. Sonwa, a scientist for CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research) in Cameroon talks about the adaptation needs of people in Central Africa and how by improving their livelihood, we can count on the people to take care of the carbon stock, or forests, in the area.

Want to learn more about this interviewee? About Denis J. Sonwa

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Denis J. Sonwa was a scientist at COP-15 with CIFOR. He is from Cameroon, a nation in Africa.

Bruce Hewitson on What Success Means at the COP


Question asked: What would be a successful outcome for COP-15?

Hewitson’s response: Hewitson argues that success means something different to every nation. He does, however, venture at a few factors that would aid in an outcomes success: the agreement could not be imposed by the developed world onto the developing nations; each country would have to make significant sacrifices; and the tenants would need to be enforceable (legally binding).

Want to learn more about this interviewee? About Bruce Hewitson

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At COP-15, Bruce Hewitson was a South African climatologist working with the Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG).

Bruce Hewitson on Regional Climate Modeling in Africa


Question asked: What area of research do you work in and how does it relate to the COP?

Hewitson’s answer: Hewitson focused mainly on regional climate projections in Africa. He did not feel that it directly tied into the political process, but that his presence added visibility of Africa’s issues to other scientists in attendance at the COP.

Want to learn more about this interviewee? About Bruce Hewitson

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At COP-15, Bruce Hewitson was a South African climatologist working with the Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG).

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