The island of Montserrat is characterized by a strong sense of community. Families are often large, and in many cases, extended families share the same homes. On Montserrat it is believed that it takes a village to raise a child. For children growing up in any neighborhood, respect for the elders has always been an important rule.

http://www.giu.gov.ms (Month of the Elderly 2003)
Many of the island’s elderly residents continue to play important roles in their societies. Life expectancy on Montserrat is 78.71 years (76.54 years for males and 80.89 years for females), so one in good health can expect a long career and active participation in the lives of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The active role these citizens play in family and community structure are important in helping the island preserve its culture.
I spend most of my day at home assisting…

However, modernization and globalization processes have compromised some of their traditional roles as family and community storytellers. While younger generations consider the elderly to be the most wise members of society, stories and values are outsourced by mediums such as cable television.
“That’s the way values were handed down…”
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