Initially volcanic ash filled the skies of Montserrat; as the eruption progressed the lava dome at Chances Peak continued to grow releasing super fast and super hot pyroclastic flows and surges down the flanks of the volcano; volcanic lahars ravaged communities abutting the ghauts and valleys transporting volcanic rock and debris from heights above. Houses were burnt, buried, and blanketed. As Montserratians’ houses were destroyed, hopes to one day return to the homes in the south were also destroyed.
- Lahar running through Plymouth
- House covered in ash
- Richmond Hill
- Aerial view of burnt houses
- Richmond Hill
- Ash-covered bedroom
Deputy Director of the Emergency Operations Center:
“…just imagine trying to restart your life…”
A 25-year resident of Montserrat:
“everything they owned is in the danger zone”
A middle-aged female radio personality:
“…I knew my house would be destroyed.”
Owner of bar in Little Bay:
“Well I had a guest house, five bars, a supermarket, and a house differently. And all was destroyed. But I never get a single cent from a soul because what happened.”
38 year old Female Taxi Driver and Firefighter:
“I would love to be where I was born and grew up…”
- Two-story houses, Plymouth
- House on Richmond Hill
- House along the Belham River
- Ash-covered sink
- A Dickinson professor at an abandoned house
- Aerial view of Plymouth
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