Montserratians have always reserved a certain pride for their living conditions. Before the eruption, housing in the north was “few and far between”. When exclusion zone boundaries were declared, many residents in the north found their homes filled with family and friends. Existing housing in the north was transformed to suit the needs of the displaced population. Though houses in the north still remained the same, life would never be.
a 25-year resident of Montserrat:
“…like to have a nice house…”
A middle-aged female radio personality:
“…the north of the island at that time was considered under-developed…”
Question asked of the 50-year-old female known as “The Ginger Stick Lady”:
“Did you build this house yourself?”
“My husband and my son…”
- House in Gerald’s
- Aerial view of village in the North
- Carr’s Bay
- The Waterworks Estate
- Hill-top houses
- A herder’s home
- A once-habitable village
- Entrance to Gingerbread Hill
- Ex-patriot community
- Overlook of Carr’s Bay
- Bed and Breakfast at Gingerbread Hill
- Dickinson students at a home in Happy Hill
- A house that doubles as a store
- The governor’s residence
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