on age… Q… How old are you, Laurence? Laurence… Uh, six, wait, oh, ya, eight.
on family… [My sister] is older than me. Uh, sometime, sometimes I get in trouble for fighting with my nephew. I have a nephew and I have a niece. My sister had a little baby… She’s one and my nephew is Malik and he is, he’s five.
on teachers… [My favorite teacher] is my teacher here now, Miss Schaefer… because she always lets me do something at the end of the day… like straighten the room up.
on his vehicles… My bike is like blue and um, black a little… I fell down on the scooter. I never fall down on the bike. I am trained on my bike, but not on the scooter yet. I know how to ride with no hands and do tricks on it… I am trained cause I never fall off.
on his favorite book (Will You Please Feed Our Cats)… It doesn’t only have cats. It has a lot of, um, a lot of animals.
on Mr. Hill… [He] doesn’t do nothin’. He just lets us play games. Sometimes if we clean the coatroom, he gives us lollipops… He comes to our school too… He only teaches fifth grade and sixth grade… but we see him at school.
on improving Steelton… If there was space, I would build Hershey Park.
on Dana and Lisa… It’s a picture of y’all two. Q… What is that? Laurence… That is y’all two.
on the future… Q… What do you want to be when you grow up? Laurence… Football player. Q… Do you play football now? Laurence… Nope.
Laurence…Uh, oh, that is at the park. I took a picture of the park.
Q…Why did you take picture of the park?
Laurence…Because I like to play.
Q…Do you play there?
Laurence…Yeah… I play there… My babysitter takes me there.
Laurence…It’s the Boys Club.
Q…Why did you take a picture of that?
Laurence…Because I like it.
Q…And what is your favorite thing about it?
Laurence…I get to play games.
Q…What do you like about school?
Laurence…Mmmm. I like to play.
Q…What is your favorite subject?
Laurence…Oh, basketball.
Q…What is your least favorite?
Laurence…Jump rope.
Q…Why don’t you like jump rope
Laurence…Because, because I’m not good at it.
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