on the future… What I really want to be is a computer programmer… [I want to create]a web with video games on it.
on the boys and girls club… I like it because they let me come here so I can play and they´ll let me stay here so my mom can work and then I get to go home.
on the park… I normally go here on my free time to play. And this is my friends like Alysha, Tommy, come out here to play…We play tags, I mean tag, stuff like that.
on playing… We’ll play in the alley ways, pretty much that’s all, and the streets, alleyways stuff like that… [I play with] Tommy, Zach, Eric, Dwight, and my friend Will.on sports… I want to go to Minnesota so I can see the Vikings play… I like football,I used to play soccer and baseball and basketball… I play for Harrisburg Packers, football, uh, Commando Hornets, for soccer and baseball and basketball, The Boys and Girls Club of Steelton.
Q…Where did you take that picture from?
Tyrell…I took it from the stairs by Front Street…
Q…Do you like those stairs?
Tyrell…Yes because…if I don’t feel like coming [to the Boys & Girls Club] cause the games aren’t open, I will take my Game Boy and me and my friends will go out there and play until the games open up.
Tyrell…This is Tommy. He is strange to me, but he’s my friend. I met him by going to school and my friend Jack introduced me to him, and me and him just started hanging out together and we’re friends.
Tyrell…This is the store that I go to. It is right by my house, around the corner from it. And I normally go there, but a couple months ago, they shut it down, so now we go to Turkey Hill.
Q…What kind of store is it? A place where you can get candy, or…
Tyrell…Like soda, candy, food, milk, stuff I hate…
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