UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Category: REDD+

Rajendra K. Pachauri on REDD+

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Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairperson for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, discusses his views of the REDD+ initiative. He claims REDD is important but has a lot of measurement, monitoring and institutional problems.

Interviewed by the Dickinson Climate Mosaic on December 7, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Charles K. Meshack on Tanzania’s position in COP 17 negotiations

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Mr. Charles K. Meshack, Executive Director at Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, discusses Tanzania’s postion in the COP 17 negotiations. He says the country wants to call attention to issues other than REDD that are further behind in progress, including adaptation, technology transfer and financing. Tanzania is pushing for these initiatives because climate change in the country is real and rural people are already seeing the effects. Ultimately, the country is looking for technology and capacity building to develop sustainably and decrease climate vulnerability.

Interviewed by Anna McGinn and Samuel Pollan on December 1, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Charles K. Meshack on relationship between local communities and REDD+

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Mr. Charles K. Meshack, Executive Director at Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, discusses the structure and goals of REDD+ in Tanzania and the social impacts of the program, including monetary issues. He also discusses the relationship between REDD+ and local communities and counters the common perception that REDD+ is designed to take resources away from local people.

Interviewed by Anna McGinn and Samuel Pollan on December 1, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Juan Carlos Jintiach on indigenous people’s rights and REDD+

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Mr. Juan Carlos Jintiach, Coordinator in the Field of International Economic Cooperation and Autonomous Development with Identity for the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (CORCA), discusses the relationship between the indigenous people of the Amazon and REDD efforts. He also discusses the activities of CORCA, his expectations for the COP and his belief that civil society involvement is the key to moving the negotiations forward.

Interviewed by Samuel Pollan on December 1, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Saleemul Huq on the key issues at COP 17

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Dr. Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development Climate Change Group, names the most critical issues at the 17th Conference of the Parties to be a second period for the Kyoto Protocol and the construction of the Green Climate Fund. He names setting up the adaptation tract and working on the texts for the NAPs, REDD+ and technology transfer as the smaller and more likely to be solved issues. He then explains how likely he believes it is for conclusions to be met on these issues.

Interviewed by Esther Babson, Anna McGinn, Maggie Rees and Claire Tighe on November 30, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Tiana Ramahaleo on Madagascar’s position in the climate negotiations

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Mr. Tiana Ramahaleo from the Madagascar delegation and World Wildlife Fund discusses Madagascar’s role within the G77 and the African Group. He also explains Madagascar’s wishes for a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and further progress on REDD. Ramahaleo also explains the different views Madagascar has compared with Canada and the United States concerning the negotiations – he believes if developed countries don’t want to participate in the Kyoto Protocol they should at least step aside and stop interfering.

Interviewed by Anna McGinn on November 29, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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