UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database


Pasha Carruthers on the Cook Islands and COP 17 negotiations

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Pasha Carruthers, the AOSIS Coordinator on Adaptation and a Cook Islands negotiator, discusses the various goals of the small island states, and in particular the Cook Islands. She explains how sea level rise, food security and increased storm events are climate change impacts the islands are already experiencing. She then states her frustration with the negotiations, but explains that regardless of her frustration she believes this forum is the only way the negotiations can be fair and all-encompassing.

Interviewed by Claire Tighe on December 9, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Saleemul Huq on the role of vulnerable countries at COP 17

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Dr. Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development Climate Change Group, explains the role of vulnerable countries in the negotiations under three main groups: AOSIS, LDCs and the African Group. He continues to explain what these countries should aspire to do in the face of no binding agreement.

Interviewed by Esther Babson, Anna McGinn, Maggie Rees and Claire Tighe on November 30, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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