UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Tag: cooperation

Isaac Kabongo on CAN Uganda and his hopes for COP 17

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Mr. Isaac Kabongo, Executive Director of Ecological Christian Organization and Programme Fellow for Climate Action Network (CAN) Uganda, discusses his work with Climate Action Network and his hope that during this COP each country will realize what needs to be done and help each other accordingly.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 9, 2012, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

The Mayor of Lagos on the city’s and Nigeria’s position in COP 17 negotiations

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Mayor Ayodele Adebowale Adewale of Lagos, Nigeria discusses Nigeria’s position within the negotiations and a multitude of sustainable initiatives occurring in Lagos, and calls for developed countries to help developing countries adapt and mitigate for the good of the entire planet.

Interviewed by Elena Capaldi and Anna McGinn on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Tetteh Hormeku on African country collaboration in the climate negotiations

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Mr. Tetteh Hormeku, Programme Officer for the Third World Network’s Africa Secretariat, discusses the Africa Group and their hopes for the negotiations. These hopes include a second commitment priod for the Kyoto Protocol and greater developed country responsibility. He explains the reasons that African countries have decided to work together to push their agendas these reasons include, among others, ecosystem vulnerability as well as economic vulnerability.

Interviewed by Anna McGinn on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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