UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Tag: Ethiopia

Negash Teklu on Climate Change in Ethiopia

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Mr. Negash Teklu from Ethiopia, Executive Director of Population, Health, Environment (PHE) Consortium Ethiopia and COP 17 Party Member to Ethiopia, discusses how climate change is affecting the environment in Ethiopia and East Africa in general and how these changes are negatively affecting poverty levels. He also discusses the hope Ethiopia has for the COP and the second period of the Kyoto Protocol.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 6, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Negash Teklu on adaptation initiatives in East Africa

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Mr. Negash Teklu from Ethiopia, Executive Director of Population, Health, Environment (PHE) Consortium Ethiopia and COP 17 Party Member to Ethiopia, discusses the adaptation knowledge that local communities in East Africa possess and the need for governments, civil society and the private sector to engage the local communities and utilize this knowledge for adapting to climate change.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 6, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Negash Teklu on the activities of PHE-Ethiopia and funding

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Mr. Negash Teklu from Ethiopia, Executive Director of Population, Health, Environment (PHE) Consortium Ethiopia and COP 17 Party Member to Ethiopia, discusses the activities of PHE-Ethiopia including pilot sites, social research and workshops. He then explains the sources and system of funding for the organization.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 6, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Youba Sokona on the barriers in Africa for jump-start development

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Dr. Youba Sokona of Ethiopia, the coordinator of the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) based in the UN Economic Commission for Africa, discusses the need for a new global paradigm. He also explains the opportunity Africa faces to embark of “jump-start” sustainable development due to the primary stages of development the continent is currently in. He names the four biggest barriers to this solution: political will, institutions, finance and short-term focus. He then provides examples for how each of these barriers can be broken.

Interviewed by Elena Capaldi, Maggie Rees and Emily Bowie on November 30, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Youba Sokona on sustainable development in Africa

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Dr. Youba Sokona of Ethiopia, the coordinator of the African Climate Policy Centre (ACPC) based in the UN Economic Commission for Africa, discusses how the primary concern of all African countries is development and how through climate research over the past few decades his organization has seen the need for countries to revisit their development objectives. He calls for these countries to follow a different development path.

Interviewed by Elena Capaldi, Maggie Rees and Emily Bowie on November 30, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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