UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Tag: poverty

Isaac Kabongo on Adaptation Challenges in East Africa

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Mr. Isaac Kabongo, Executive Director of Ecological Christian Organization and Programme Fellow for Climate Action Network (CAN) Uganda, discusses adaptation challenges in East Africa. He describes how civil societies and the private sector are currently responsible for most of the adaptation initiatives in play and that the biggest challenges they face are poverty and income levels which further the need for external support. He also comments on how adaptation funding is both external and internal and on how south-south technology transfer is much easier than north-south transfer.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 9, 2012, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Negash Teklu on Climate Change in Ethiopia

[ensemblevideo contentid=U-PzPfUffEqwBlKB-LXGGg iframe=false]

Mr. Negash Teklu from Ethiopia, Executive Director of Population, Health, Environment (PHE) Consortium Ethiopia and COP 17 Party Member to Ethiopia, discusses how climate change is affecting the environment in Ethiopia and East Africa in general and how these changes are negatively affecting poverty levels. He also discusses the hope Ethiopia has for the COP and the second period of the Kyoto Protocol.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 6, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Anna Taylor on South Africa’s sustainable development situation

Anna Taylor of the African Center for Cities and the Stockholm Environment Institute discusses South Africa’s position as they move forward with sustainable development after COP 17. She notes poverty and economic inequality as the biggest obstacle for South Africa’s development. Coal as the primary source of energy is also a huge issue as the fuel is one of the dirtiest forms of energy and this will need to change as the country develops. Taylor also notes that the country has rapidly transitioned into a democracy and is still working to make that a reality.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie, Elena Capaldi and Maggie Rees on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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