UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Tag: South Africa

Anna Taylor on sustainable development sources

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Ms. Anna Taylor of the African Center for Cities and the Stockholm Environment Institute discusses how funding for South Africa’s sustainable development needs to come from both internal and external sources. She voices the need to be wary of international money tied to international agendas.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie, Elena Capaldi and Maggie Rees on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Anna Taylor on South Africa’s sustainable development situation

Anna Taylor of the African Center for Cities and the Stockholm Environment Institute discusses South Africa’s position as they move forward with sustainable development after COP 17. She notes poverty and economic inequality as the biggest obstacle for South Africa’s development. Coal as the primary source of energy is also a huge issue as the fuel is one of the dirtiest forms of energy and this will need to change as the country develops. Taylor also notes that the country has rapidly transitioned into a democracy and is still working to make that a reality.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie, Elena Capaldi and Maggie Rees on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Anna Taylor on the effect of COP 17 on development

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Ms. Anna Taylor of the African Center for Cities and the Stockholm Environment Institute discusses how the outcomes of the COP will most likely create a downstream effect over development in South Africa that may not be immediately noticeable or easily tracked.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie, Elena Capaldi and Maggie Rees on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Anna Taylor on her work and her hopes for COP 17

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Ms. Anna Taylor of the African Center for Cities and the Stockholm Environment Institute discusses her work through both institutions looking at vulnerability and adaptation initiatives. She explains how she is promoting their research, making connections and learning more about climate change. She then explains her hopes for the outcome of the COP and her belief in the need to lead by example. She calls for an end in the negotiations standoff.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie, Elena Capaldi and Maggie Rees on December 5, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Deborah Roberts on Durban’s climate action initiatives

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Dr. Deborah Roberts from the Environmental Planning and Climate Protection Department for the eThekwini Municipality in Durban, South Africa discusses Durban’s outlook on climate change action. She explains how Durban’s focus is more on adaptation than mitigation due to need and the process is sporadic and based on a learning-by-doing basis. Also addressed her perceived need for mandate and constitutional change. She closes with a statement of her hopes for the conference.

Interviewed by Maggie Rees on November 28, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

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