UN 2011 Climate Change Conference Interview Database

Tag: technology transfer

Isaac Kabongo on Adaptation Challenges in East Africa

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Mr. Isaac Kabongo, Executive Director of Ecological Christian Organization and Programme Fellow for Climate Action Network (CAN) Uganda, discusses adaptation challenges in East Africa. He describes how civil societies and the private sector are currently responsible for most of the adaptation initiatives in play and that the biggest challenges they face are poverty and income levels which further the need for external support. He also comments on how adaptation funding is both external and internal and on how south-south technology transfer is much easier than north-south transfer.

Interviewed by Emily Bowie on December 9, 2012, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Charles K. Meshack on Tanzania’s position in COP 17 negotiations

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Mr. Charles K. Meshack, Executive Director at Tanzania Forest Conservation Group, discusses Tanzania’s postion in the COP 17 negotiations. He says the country wants to call attention to issues other than REDD that are further behind in progress, including adaptation, technology transfer and financing. Tanzania is pushing for these initiatives because climate change in the country is real and rural people are already seeing the effects. Ultimately, the country is looking for technology and capacity building to develop sustainably and decrease climate vulnerability.

Interviewed by Anna McGinn and Samuel Pollan on December 1, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Saleemul Huq on the key issues at COP 17

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Dr. Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Environment and Development Climate Change Group, names the most critical issues at the 17th Conference of the Parties to be a second period for the Kyoto Protocol and the construction of the Green Climate Fund. He names setting up the adaptation tract and working on the texts for the NAPs, REDD+ and technology transfer as the smaller and more likely to be solved issues. He then explains how likely he believes it is for conclusions to be met on these issues.

Interviewed by Esther Babson, Anna McGinn, Maggie Rees and Claire Tighe on November 30, 2011, COP 17, Durban, South Africa

Abias Huongo on Angola’s position in the climate negotiations

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Mr. Abias Huongo of the Angola delegation, founder and president of Angola’s biggest environmental organization Juventude Ecologica d’ Angola, discusses Angola’s interest in a second commitment of the Kyoto Protocol, long term finance, capacity building and technology transfer. He points out other countries that have similar and differing perspectives from Angola’s.

Interviewed by Esther Babson and Christine Burns on November 29, 2011, COP 17,

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