Snow fall in Diadema

2people working in fields

production of olives and olive oil – Exhibit

barrells with signs and trees behind with red construction paper border

Exchange trip between Italian mutual aid societies

Part 3: certificate given to members who have been in the associatio nfor 50 years

part 4; certificate given to members who have been in the association for 50 years

Part 1; certificate given to members who have been in the association for 50 years

Part 2: certificate given to members who have been in the association for 50 years

part 4; sample page of Membership book with written observations about members pages 114-115

Part 3 :sample page of Membership book with written observations about members pages 114-115

Part 2of page 114-115; sample page of Membership book with written observations about members pages 114-115

Part 1sample page of Membership book with written observations about members pages 114-115

top half of front cover

bottom half of front cover

part 4 of page 2-3

part 3 of page 2-3

part 2 of page 2-3