Manoeuvring to pull up drawworks from Athey waggon onto derrick floor (deep test)

Manoeuvring to pull up drawworks from Athey waggon onto derrick floor (deep test)

Manoeuvring to pull up drawworks from Athey waggon onto derrick floor (deep test)

Manoeuvring to pull up drawworks from Athey waggon onto derrick floor (deep test)

Pulling up onto derrick floor (D. T.) Ideal Ajax engine

Collision of toolcars driven by Messrs. Kraan and Nauta (Mr. Kraan’s car is overturned)

Collision of toolcars driven by Messrs. Kraan and Nauta (Mr. Kraan’s car is overturned)

Visit of Military Governor and other military and civil authorities to the field

Farewell party offered to Mr. & Mrs. Douze by the Club “Argentinos Diadema”

Visit of Military Governor and other military and civil authorities to the field

Farewell party offered to Mr. & Mrs. Douze by the Club “Argentinos Diadema”

Farewell party offered to Mr. & Mrs. Douze by the Club “Argentinos Diadema”

Three views of swimming pool under construction

Iron reinforcement for concrete arches – Swimming Pool

Gas compressor – Gas compressor plant

Extension of manager’s house, front view

Oil and water pump station – “I” camp: water pumps

Dito – frontal view, showing main entrance