“In the mill there’s a culture out there…not only an ethnic culture…you go to Walmart or some place like that, you’re never going to see the things you see in there. I mean, you’re dealing with different products and a different history…where your families came from, you know. But it’s been an experience…one that I’d never give up…sometimes it’s tough, you know, but it’s an experience that you can never duplicate.” –Greg Reese, African-American Steelworker

“I’ll tell ya, from ’52 to ’60, it was a pleasure to work there. We had guys that would be on the job and he would cook a meal. We had as good a meal as any chefs in the world…Stew, turkey, chicken, deer, steaks, fish, shrimp, anything you’d want. We’d use regular plates and set up a table. Potatoes, dessert, everything.” Ed Breach Sr., retired Steelworker

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