Viewing Britton in the context of a “natural” lens

I used the lens “landscape as nature”. I applied this lens to Britton Plaza. When observing I took the people out of the scene, which caused me to think about what it would be like if this space was “natural” and untouched by humans. I tried to imagine what this place would be like if it had never been found by humans but I also looked at aspects of nature that influence how people interact with this space. Some of my artifacts included large trees that I think could have been there prior to this area being influenced by human. While many areas of this space are meant to look natural and untouched they clearly have been influenced by humans. These include smaller trees, the grass and walkways that include some hilly aspects.  Those have all been touched, as I assume the large trees have been as well. Everything is groomed but not to the point of looking unnatural.

Aspects of this space that are influenced by nature include the climate and weather. That influences whether students use this space, which gives the natural world over influences that humans have had on these spaces. An important line in the description of landscape of nature is “Whatever he does upon the surface of the earth, even his greatest skyscrapers, dams, and bridges, are, by comparison, minute, feeble, and transitory; mere scratching’s on the skin of Mother Earth. “. This line demonstrates that while humans are capable of doing things to nature they are truly unable to influence it in the way that the natural world can. Areas will be influenced and destroyed by people but there are aspects where the natural world will still have more influence beyond humans building things.

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